Self-monitored, safe and smart batteries

Nov 6, 2020

Outsmarting thermal runaway through predictive maintenance is within everybody’s benefit.

Just like gold, the battery industry has been around for a long time now, and the users are naturally questioning, “can there be a new, or better element fully replacing them?”, and just like for gold, for batteries as well we can answer with a question “is what we have now so bad, or did we never use them properly?”. To get relief from this agonizing question, let’s have a look into the battery industry as such. What are some of the general trends within “the batteries’’? why are people so afraid of some types of batteries? and of course, how can we push this incredible energy-filled instrument to their full potential in the safest way possible!

Based on what market researchers say, the global battery market within the forecast period of 2020–2025 will have a compound annual growth rate of more than 12%. The number is undoubtedly massive if only in 2019 it was valued at USD 108.4 billion . The reasons vary, of course, the increased adoption of electric vehicles, the renewable sector, consumer electronics…

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